What is Neurostiinta Iluminarii?

Neurostiinta Iluminarii is about my life experience, which I would like to share it with my readers, for their own benefit and evolution. Pay it forward! :)

Who am I?

I am Bogdan Iftemie, a husband, a father of 4 kids, but also a sales & management professional, trainer, mentor and coach. I am passionate about education, continuous learning and personal development. I see education as the way to a better world

What I can give you?

I can give you what I have - a good simple life. As I traveled a long road and learned some lessons, I share with you some of them. I am married with the same woman more than 20 years, so I know a little about relationships. I have four kids, so I have some experience in parenting. I was successful in various management and leadership roles, so I know a bit about making money and leading people. I do kiteboarding and travel the mountains, so I am looking for challenges to help me grow and keep me alive!

About all these you can read in Neurostiinta Iluminarii!


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Povesti care sa te inspire si sa te ajute sa ai o viata mai buna, cu bucurie si fericire!


Trainer si consultant de business, pasionat de dezvoltarea personala